The hidden hassles of looking for sex? What the fuck is that? You’re probably thinking to yourself, where’s the hassle of looking for sex when I just use the right site? Well, you might want to take a chill pill, and you definitely would need to get real because let’s face it, if you’re having a tough time looking for sex, the only person holding you back and keeping you down is yourself.That’s right. Nobody else can make you fail. Nobody else can hold you back. Nobody else can defeat you except yourself.A lot of guys think that this is bullshit. A lot of guys think that this is just the theory, that this is not real. Bullshit. Seriously.
The sooner you realize that you’re sabotaging yourself or undermining your success is the moment you will achieve success.The reason why you’re looking for sex and failing time and time again is because at some level or other, you feel that you don’t deserve it. At some level or other, you don’t believe in it and that’s why your heart is not in it. This is part of the hidden hassles there because it’s hidden precisely because people are too embarrassed about it. People would rather brush it under the rug, and that’s why they don’t get the success that they’re looking for.
I mean, let’s face it, looking for sex is like looking for a job or looking to get promoted. It takes a lot of effort. It takes a lot of sacrifices. And just like with anything else in life that is worth anything, you have to put in the work. So that is the hidden hassle because it’s hassle people want to remain willfully blind to. But looking for sex will never be a hassle if you are completely honest about it and you are willing to put in the work and the time.